Clock Chipping Statistics Survey

If you have Clock Chipped your machine, please participate in this data collection by selecting the maximum stable speed you achieved next to your machine type, and click the submit button. Please don't hit the submit button multiple times unless you have clock chipped multiple machines. I will tabulate the results every few days and update the Clock Chipping Statistics page. Please round your numbers down only. If you have a number out of my range, let me know and I'll update the form. I've typically set the maximum to be ridiculously high. At this time, your submission is anonymous; I get your machine name, but I keep it confidential. If others request a copy of this info to verify the statistics I will leave a note here first so you know that your machine name will be forwarded to them.
I'll add the PowerBooks in a while.
Centris 610:
Centris 610 w/PPC Card:
Centris 650:
Centris 650 w/PPC Card:
Centris 650 w/Serial Port Modification:
Centris 650 w/Serial Port Modification and PPC Card:
Centris 660av:
Mac IIsi:
Mac IIfx:
Mac LC475/Quadra 605:
Mac LCIII (Performa 450):
PowerMac 6100/60 (Performa 61xx):
PowerMac 6100/66:
PowerMac 7100/66:
PowerMac 7100/80:
PowerMac 7500/100:
PowerMac 8100/80:
PowerMac 8100/100:
PowerMac 8100/110:
PowerMac 8500/120:
PowerMac 9500/120:
PowerMac 9500/132:
Quadra 610:
Quadra 610 w/PPC Card:
Quadra 650:
Quadra 650 w/PPC Card:
Quadra 660av:
Quadra 700:
Quadra 700 w/PPC Card:
Quadra 800:
Quadra 800 w/PPC Card:
Quadra 840av:
Quadra 900:
Quadra 950: